Watch this space....

We are hoping to introduce a new feature to Hull Football Skills Academy. We'll be taking a closer look at some of our budding stars and their families, to find out what makes them tick, and to see how HFSA makes a difference to lives....So watch this space!

Introducing our new kit!

We are pleased to introduce a new kit for the kids to wear at Hull Football Skills Academy 😁 Tee & Hoody for £20 per set. Samples will be available to view at each session, and if you'd like to purchase the kit for your children, we'll be taking measurements, orders and payments all morning before, during and after the sessions!

Sept 2017 Term

#septemberiscoming Kids start a brand new school year, and with it comes the new term at Hull Football Skills Academy. If you would like your sons or daughters (aged between 4 - 12) to come along and see what HFSA has to offer, please don't hesitate to get in touch! We have sessions every Saturday, come rain or shine, throughout the school year! The term is 9th Sept - 28th Oct and costs £4.50 per child, per session if you wish to pay as you play. Or if you choose to pay for the full term, it's £32 making it just £4 per session! Hope to see you there ⚽️ Don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube!

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