In the Spotlight...

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Hello! We hope you are all enjoying a fun-packed hottest summer for 40 years (reportedly). We have definitely been enjoying ourselves both in and out of the Academy. The summer camps are proving successful for everyone who has attended, and our respective families have hardly spoken the word "bored" (so far). With the summer comes our 12th edition of In the Spotlight and, with this edition, comes Albert! Albert Hardy tells us a little about what life is like for him. See his story below
1. How old are you? ~ I am 8 years old
2. Tell us about you and your family: ~ I live with my Dad (Andy) and my mum (Lizzie) in Skidby. I have a big brother called Dillon who is 18, a big sister called Elsa who is 9 and a cat called Lola
3. Who is your favourite football team? ~ My favourite teams are Liverpool and Hull City
4. Who is your favourite footballer? ~ Mohammed Salah
5. How did you first hear about Hull Football Skills Academy? ~ From a leaflet in our school bags
6. When did you start your football journey with the Academy? ~ I can’t remember! 2016 I think (We checked Albert, you've been with us since Dec 2016!)
7. What made you stick with HFSA? ~ Because Owen is a really good coach and because of this I am much better at football now
8. Do you play football in a team? ~ No but i would like to one day
9. Do you have any other hobbies? ~ I like riding my bike and playing my xbox. I also like playing the guitar and listening to music
10. What do you think is the best part of your academy sessions? ~ Learning the skills
11. What is your favourite football skill, and can you do it? ~ Rainbow flick and I can just about do it, but I am still learning
12. What other activities would you like to see at HFSA? ~ I can’t think of any
13. What advice would you give to someone new wanting to join us? ~ Try your best and practice in your garden (We say that's an excellent tip!!)
When asked if Albert's parents had anything to add, Mum Lizzie said: We would like to say how much we have watched Albert progress since he started HFSA. Owen’s coaching style is perfect for children like Albert who wasn’t very interested in football to begin with and the results have been fantastic
We have to agree with your Mum, Albert, you really have come along in leaps and bounds. Your friendly smile and kind nature towards the other HFSA kids goes a long way and certainly doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us, and we will see you and your sister at Camp!